Friday, December 9, 2011

An Owl A Day Keeps The Blues Away

For those of you who don't follow instagram, I have begun a little project as a hobby. I have a book:

It has a different crafty rule for each day, which in the end results in a year-long collection of some pretty cool stuff. I mostly stick with the guidelines, although I have come up with a few side projects on my own. I am sticking with an owl theme. I've been going for a little over a week and here's what I've come up with so far:

Day 1: Using the objects around you, create something that fits in the palm of your hand.

Day 2: Use paper as your inspiration today (we were making snowflakes in class this day so it was a handy idea)

Day 3: Oragami Owl (Ellie and I got crafty in art class :)

Day 4: Toilet paper owl, take one

Day 6: Toilet paper owl, take two

Day 7: Mosaic Owl

Day 8: Use chalk as your medium today and make a creation around your house

Day 9: Brown on Brown

That's all so far. I peaked ahead and these are going to get pretty crazy soon!

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